Matt Case - August 19th, 2024 - 7:22am PDT 

    Study Shows Dad Jokes May Be Beneficial for Parent-Child Relationships

    STATE COLLEGE, Pa. — Dad jokes might not just be groan-worthy; they could actually be good for you. According to a new study from Penn State University, parents who use humor in their interactions with their children tend to have stronger relationships with them.

    The study surveyed adults about their upbringing and found that nearly half of those who grew up in homes where humor was a regular feature believe their parents did a good job raising them. In contrast, less than three percent of those who did not experience humor at home rated their parents’ performance positively.

    The researchers suggest that laughter and lightheartedness can foster closer bonds between parents and children. So, even if your jokes make your kids roll their eyes, it might be worth trying to get them to laugh—it could strengthen your relationship in the long run.